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St. Francis Community 
Emergency Drive for
the People of the Ukraine

St. Francis Community of Faith will be collecting donations to send to the Ukraine. We will be collecting items at the church on March 5th and

Marchs 19th. You can bring your donations at 4:30 before mass or at 6:30 after mass. You are most welcome to join us for mass. You can also donate and we will purchase items for you.

All donations will be brought to Holy Family Ukrainian Catholic Church by Bishop Ken

Fashion Rail

Outdoor Items Needed

The items most needed for donation are the following:

  1. Blankets

  2. Coats

  3. Sweaters

  4. Socks

  5. Gloves

  6. Sleeping Bags

  7. Flashlights & Batteries

Girl in Warm Clothes
Basket of Bath Accessories

Other Items Needed

  1. Hygiene Products

  2. Diapers

  3. Wipes

  4. Monetary Donations

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