St. Francis Community of Faith
for All People
" A Sanctuary of Spirituality"
St. Francis Community of Faith and the Franciscan Community of Light will celebrate the Feast of St. Anthony of Padua, Franciscan friar and theologian, with a novena of online masses from the feast day, Sunday, June 13th to Monday, June 21st. The schedule of masses is as follows:
Sunday 6/13: 8:15 PM
Monday-Friday 6/14-6/18: 7:30 AM
Saturday 6/19: 5:00 PM Vigil Mass for Sunday
Sunday 6/20: 8:00 PM
Monday 6/21: 7:30 AM
All masses will be brief, as in weekday masses, in consideration of the work schedules of many congregants. Please join us for some time of spiritual renewal and contemplation. All Are Welcome!!!
If you have any prayer intentions or requests for the novena prayer petitions, please submit them on Sunday, June 13th before 8:00 PM, if possible or by Monday at 7:00 AM at the latest so they may be included in all the days of prayer. Prayer intentions should be emailed to Blessings of peace.
Rev. John Hayes
The feast day masses can be accessed by going to the following Zoom Link:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 874 4097 7096
Password: St.Frank55
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