It is with great joy that I announce as Principal Bishop and Spiritual Guide and Leader of the Catholic Diocese of One Spirit the Appointment of Bishop Elect Louis Schwebius to the Episcopacy of the CDOS community.
Bishop Louis' ordination will take place on September 23rd 2023 at 10:30 AM in Amityville NY. Bishop Louis has demonstrated as a servant in CDOS a openness to the Spirit and a wisdom from his own personal spiritual journey and professional career as a Pastoral Counselor and Interfaith Chaplain a compassion and spiritual guidance that is of a healing presence to us and to all whom he ministers. His laughter and good wit and his story telling are often the opportunities we all get closer as a community of servants never taking ourselves too serious and recalling that the Spirit is one of joy and laughter.
I thank Louis' wife and son for allowing us to share their husband and father as he continues to serve the People of the Divine in his new leadership position. I look forward to sharing with him and continued sharing with Bishop Jim Burch our founder the call to be the universal love of Christ to all whom we meet on our spiritual journey.
If you are interested in attending please message me and I will give you further details and the specific location.
Please join me in wishing Bishop Louis a joyous ministry as a Spiritual Leader and Guide, Bishop, to the people of the Southeastern States of the USA.
Principal Bishop Spiritual Leader and Guide of the Catholic Diocese of One Spirit